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Monday, January 25, 2021
Tyler Lowry, Franklin County Commissioners, 614/525-6630
Robin Ross, Franklin County Commissioners, 614/525-2392

The Franklin County Commissioners today announced the availability of the Residents’ Guide to the 2021 County Budget.  This annual publication accompanies each year’s official budget to make the document more accessible to lay persons who may be interested in the county’s finances.  It covers the annual budgeting process and the general structure of county government, explains the differences between the county General Fund and All Funds Budget, and highlights some of the commissioners’ accomplishments from the past year and priorities for the year to come.
The commissioners passed the 2021 budget in December after a series of public hearings.  At the time, County Administrator Kenneth N. Wilson called it “responsible, sustainable, and forward focused”.  You can find the county’s 2021 budget, the Residents’ Guide, and other associated documents on the commissioners’ website.