Thursday, December 07, 2017
Robin Ross, Franklin County Commissioners, 614/525-2392
Isabella Minadeo, Commissioners, 614/525-3462
In September, when the president ended the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, he put the dreams of hundreds of thousands of our neighbors on hold, their futures in limbo. Yesterday and today, Americans all over the country are attending events and marching to call on their members of congress to take action to protect the Dreamers and their futures in this country. The Dreamers are productive, law-abiding members of our society whose parents brought them to our shores as children, and who want to stay to help continue to make America great. They are our neighbors, our fellow students, our coworkers, and they are a resource that our country can ill afford to lose in these already difficult times. The Franklin County Commissioners call on congress to take action immediately to protect these Dreamers, and to provide a path for them to continue living and working in this great country of immigrants.
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