Monday, February 03, 2014
Hanna M. Greer-Brown, Commissioners, 614/525-5848
Lance Porter, FCDJFS, 614/233-2000
Brittany Westbrook, COWIC, 614/559-5163
While the unemployment rate in Franklin County stands at 5.4-percent, many residents are still struggling to recover from the recession. Additionally, in Franklin County, 3,000 residents have lost or will lose their Emergency Unemployment Compensation benefit as a result of the programs’ expiration on December 28, 2013.
The Franklin County Commissioners, Department of Job and Family Services and the Central Ohio Workforce Investment Corporation have teamed up to bring dozens of hiring employers together with Franklin County job seekers during the 2014 Project Hire job expo on Thursday from 11 am to 3 pm at Veterans Memorial. Employers will be recruiting qualified candidates for a variety of jobs at all skill levels including, Interpreter positions paying $16.25 an hour as well as positions at a local Call Center with a starting rate of pay of $14.00 an hour, plus commission.
Interested individuals who are planning to attend are encouraged to bring their resume and to dress for an interview. The event is absolutely free to attend and parking will be available on-site and free of charge.
The Board of Commissioners will be on hand at 11 am to welcome job seekers and thank the participating employers.
Project Hire job expo
Franklin County Commissioner Marilyn Brown
Franklin County Commissioner Paula Brooks
Franklin County Commissioner John O’Grady
Franklin County Job and Family Services Director Anthony Trotman
Central Ohio Workforce Investment Corporation President and CEO Suzanne Coleman-Tolbert Dozens of Franklin County employers Franklin County job seekers
Franklin County Veterans Memorial 300 W. Broad St. Brehm Room
Thursday, February 6, 2014
11 am