Sunday, January 13, 2013
Robin Ross, Franklin County Commissioners, 614/525-2392
Isabella Minadeo, Commissioners, 614/525-3462
This morning, Franklin County Commissioner Marilyn Brown was chosen to serve as 2014 Board President for the Franklin County Board of Commissioners.
Each year, Commissioners select a board member to serve as president and oversee the Board’s weekly General Session and Briefing meetings. The Board President also serves as spokesperson for the Board of Commissioners at community events, meetings and during media interviews.
Commissioner Brown is currently in her eighth year as a Franklin County Commissioner and will seek reelection this year. Commissioner Brown served as President of the Board of Commissioners in 2008 and 2011 during which time the County maintained its double-Triple A bond rating making it possible for the County to undertake several important economic development initiatives including planning for a new Franklin County Common Pleas Courthouse, breaking ground for the award winning, county-owned Huntington Park, opening a new County Dog Shelter and Adoption Center, and the topping out of the new downtown Hilton Hotel.
Other accomplishments in 2008 and 2011 include the creation of the County’s Township Nuisance Abatement Program which aims to stabilize property values and rid neighborhoods of blighted, crime-riddled properties and, in 2011, Franklin County’s Prescription Discount Card exceeded expectations, making Franklin County the first county in the state of Ohio to surpass $2 million in savings for county residents.
“I look forward to serving the residents of Franklin County as President of the Board of Commissioners for 2014. My colleagues and I are committed to continuing to invest in economic development that works for our entire community and that retains and creates jobs for Franklin County residents. We will enhance our commitment to arts and culture, and we will remain focused on the safety and security of our region. We will do these things strategically, ever mindful that we are foremost elected as fiscal stewards of the County, and we will preserve our double AAA bond rating and Franklin County’s financial stability and sustainability,” said Commissioner Marilyn Brown.
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